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1. Which mail access protocol is used for sending emails across the internet?
Choose the correct option:
  • a) POP3

  • b) SMTP

  • c) IMAP

  • d) MAPI

SMTP is the standard protocol for sending emails across the internet whereas POP3 and IMAP are standard protocols for retrieving emails. MAPI is an interface that helps programs become email aware.

2. POP3 is used to access emails from multiple clients/computers.
Choose the correct option:
  • a) True

  • b) False

POP3 is used to access email from only one client. IMAP is used to simultaneously access email from multiple clients.

3. Which of the following port is used by clients to connect using IMAP securely?
Choose the correct option:
  • a) 80

  • b) 143

  • c) 993

  • d) 2525

Port 993 is used by clients to connect using IMAP securely. Port 80 is used by the HTTP protocol, Port 143 is used for non-encrypted IMAP connection and Port 2525 is used by the SMTP protocol.

4. Which of the following is the default POP3 port number?
Choose the correct option:
  • a) 995

  • b) 2525

  • c) 110

  • d) 143

Port 110 is the default port for non-encrypted POP3. Port 995 is used for secure connection using POP3, Port 2525 is used by SMTP for non-encrypted connection and Port 143 is used for non-encrypted connection by IMAP.

5. The default port number of SMTP is _________
Choose the correct option:
  • a) 25

  • b) 110

  • c) 2525

  • d) 143

The default port number for SMTP is 25. Port 110 and Port 143 are the default port numbers for POP3 and IMAP respectively. Port number 2525 is used by SMTP when port number 25 is filtered out and the client wishes for a non-encrypted connection.

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