The President of the 79th UN General Assembly, Philemon Yang belong to belongs to which country ?
Choose the correct option:
A. North Korea
B. South Korea
C. Cameroonian
D. Portugal
In which type of climate are coniferous forests found?
Choose the correct option:
A. Savana
B. Mediterranean
C. Siberian
D. Hot desert
The Current Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) is: _________?
Choose the correct option:
A. Kofi Annan
B. Ban Ki-Moon
C. António Guterres
D. Boutros Boutros-Ghali
What type of earthquakes occur in the Himalayan region?
Choose the correct option:
Which city in the Himalayan region is considered to be at high risk of earthquake damage
Choose the correct option:
A. Kathmandu
B. New Delhi
C. Lahore
C. Dhaka