a) Distributed
b) Cloud
c) Soft
d) Parallel
Cloud Computing applications are accessed by common Internet protocols and networking standards.
a) The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the Internet
b) Soft computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed
c) Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-go, infinitely scalable, universally available system
d) All of the mentioned
Cloud Computing is distinguished by the notion that resources are virtual and limitless and that details of the physical systems on which software runs are abstracted from the user.
a) Model
b) Computing
c) Software
d) All of the mentioned
Cloud computing takes the technology, services, and applications that are similar to those on the Internet and turns them into a self-service utility.
a) Reliability
b) Productivity
c) Abstraction
d) All of the mentioned
Cloud computing abstracts the details of system implementation from users and developers.
a) All applications benefit from deployment in the cloud
b) With cloud computing, you can start very small and become big very fast
c) Cloud computing is revolutionary, even if the technology it is built on is evolutionary
d) None of the mentioned
Issues with latency, transaction control, and in particular security and regulatory compliance are of particular concern.
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